Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How Frequent Should I Change Out My Air Conditioning Filter?

How Frequent Should I Change Out My Air Conditioning Filter?

The 1st boiling day of summertime and the anticipation of loads more to come, makes everyone start thinking very seriously about their a/c unit. The greatest thing you can do to keep it performing at greatest productivity, is to keep your air conditioner's filters clean and replace them when necessary.

Ac units work by drawing air in through the filters, chilling it, and then pushing it back out through the filter. Maintaining the filter in superior condition will put a stop to a lot of likely problems and add to the life-time of your unit.

Countless people speculate when the best time is to get this maintenance completed. Here are a couple items that will have an affect on exactly how often families require to have them changed.

How many people or children are in the home?
Do you have a pet or more than one pet?
Farm animals nearby?

If there are more pets or even farm animals outside the house, obviously the filter will accumulate debris much more rapidly. If you live in an area with less development and a lot of open spaces or fields, you will also need to replace more frequently.

When To Change My AC Filter?

In the hottest months, when you are using your air conditioner all of the time, it is recommended you replace your filters every month. At the very least, you should be sure to check the filters monthly. This can actually help you save money, by increasing the efficiency of the unit. Some people also notice the air conditioner works a little better with fresh filters.

Bottom Line, if your filter is full of dust or hair and is noticeably greasy or dirty, it is time to have them replaced.

How Can I Make My Filter Last Longer?

To extend the life of your filters and help prevent costly ac repair, you can run your vacuum attachment over them and remove some of the dust and particles. This will buy you a little extra wear.

Some people like to wash them. This isn't the cleanest job in the world, but some people find it worth the effort. Almost all types of filters are washable, but be careful not to damage any surrounding vents. Pull the filter out, rinse it in your bathtub and add a little dish soap or spray with some white vinegar. A scrub brush is helpful here, but not totally necessary. Scrub with the brush gently. Start to rinse and keep rinsing until you have clear water. Repeat if needed.

Run your vacuum over the filter to remove remaining dust and to suck out some of the moisture. Let dry and then simply snap back into your air conditioner or central air unit.